Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 The year ahead.....

Dec., 2009
Post 1st Marathon
When I began my current running journey in January of 2009 I had no clue that I would be deciding whether or not to run a marathon or 50 mile race or both. It is amazing that I started off simply wanting to do a local 5k. As the year 2009 moved forward I ended up doing more and more miles ending up running my first 5K, 8K, 10K, 15K, Half, and Marathon! It has progressed to the point where I am at today. I certainly am looking forward to putting more ultra's and marathon's under my belt in 2013, but I also want to run some shorter distance races to put my speed work to the test. I also want to help others achieve their goals as well.  So, I've been scouring the races for 2013 and have come to the conclusion to do most of the Huntsville Track Club races here in Huntsville, AL along with some other non-Huntsville races throughout the year.

My goals are going to be similar to 2012 with some additions that must happen for any of my goals to be reached.

1) PR in 5K, 4M, 8K, 10K, 15K, HM, M, Ultra & 12 Hour race
2) Run 2000 miles
3) Score more points in the HTC Grand Prix (info & link provided later)
4) Maintain a strong core! PR with a 10 minute forearm plank
5) Focus on Nutrition (Get to 165) 

My current PR's are as follows:
5K: 22:17 set May, 2010
4M: 29:43 set Feb, 2010
8K: 37:06 set April, 2010
10K: 47:12 set March, 2010
15K: 1:12:45 set Oct., 2011
HM: 1:39:12 set Nov., 2012
M: 3:56:21 set Feb., 2012
50K: 5:08:57 set Dec., 2012
12HR: No Record
HTC Grand Prix Record: 65 points set in 2012
PLANK: 5:00 set Nov., 2012
Weight: 185.4, Jan, 2, 2013

The most important of the above goals is my nutrition. I have no problem being disciplined in doing my runs, core work and other fitness goals I will pursue during the year. My main issue is my diet which can get in the way of good workout whether they are my core workouts or my running workouts. During 2012 more workouts seemed to be limited because of poor dietary choices. I MUST discipline myself the same way with my diet as I do with my workouts! If I can all goals are possible if I cannot I will have more runs like the one pictured on the right than the one pictured on the left. What I am not saying is all things are easy when you do it right, but it sure does help when you are doing things the right way! 

I am looking forward to the year ahead! So, here's my current schedule to get it done:

1/26: Mountain Mist 50K Trail Run*
2/10: Winter Winds 4M Road Race*
2/17: Locomotive Half Marathon (Going to help a friend finish his first competitive half in under 2:15)
2/23: Wounded Warrior 5K (A good race for a great cause!)
3/3: UAH Spring Road Race 10K*
3/9: Delano Park 12HR Run
3/17: Georgia Marathon
3/30: Scottsboro Half Marathon
4/6: Fund Run 8K*
4/20: Cookie Dash 5K*
5/27: Cotton Row Run 10K*
7/4: Firecracker 5K*
7/20 HTC Twilight Men's & Women's 5K Runs
10/5: Southern Tennessee Plunge Half Marathon
10/12: Fleet Feet Mano Sano 15K*
11/9: Huntsville 1/2 Marathon*
11/?: Some type of Turkey Trot Race
12/14: Rocket City Marathon*
12/31: Recover From The Holidays 50K 

*Are Huntsville Track Club Events

As I stated earlier improving my standing in the HTC, which has a group of outstanding runners, is definitely worth shooting for! You can find out more about the HTC and the Grand Prix at the link I have provided below.

Here is how I have faired in the HTC Grand Prix

2009 Ala A&M 10K (5): Year End 5 (56)
2010 Winter Winds 4M: (5), & Cookie Dash 5K: (5): Year End 10 (53)
2011 N/A
2012 Fund Run 8K (65): Year End 65 points (33)

Happy Running in 2013! 


  1. Oh, good you have a blog! Can't wait to follow along on your adventures ahead.
