Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mountain Mist 50K

My friend Lisa prior to the Mtn. Mist
The Mountain Mist 50K is the toughest of it's kind in the great state of Alabama. Do not let the happy faced man above fool you he knew exactly what he was about to get into (or so he thought)! It was a balmy 35 (or so) degrees when I arrived at the lodge on Monte Sano. I was a little bit nervous about what I might find out about myself on the trail Saturday, but I did not let my nerves from keep me away from the biggest running challenge I have faced to date. Once I entered the Lodge I made my way over to receive my racers chip. I did wonder if this chip was more for people who got lost than actually keeping up with results. Who knows? I was milling around the Lodge and I ran into Brian a gentleman I met at the Rocket City Marathon in December. We spoke for a little bit and then my friend Lisa walked in who is pictured above. We shared a few words then Gregg asked to take our picture. I still don't know what I was doing in the picture, but I'm sure it was not that important. 

L-R Ronnie, Me, Un-named Man
I departed from Lisa and walked into what was a dining type area and ran into a gentleman I had 'run' into at the Recover From the Holidays 50K. I spoke with Ronnie and those at his table and we all showed one another the kind of gear we were going to take on the trail that day. Gregg again caught me on camera. I don't know what I was saying but it must of been fairly important! LOL! After this conversation with Ronnie and the un-named man I went to my vehicle to put on my shoes and get ready for the start of the Mountain Mist 50K!

I returned just in  time for the start of the 50k! I was nervous, but ready to get after 31 miles on the Mountain! The weather was about as nice as you could ask for in Alabama in January! I wore shorts from start to finish!

The gun sounded and we were off right at 7:30 am! Only 31 miles to go! I positioned myself behind Ronnie because I felt he would be running around the pace I would like to run for the event! I wish I had stayed with that plan throughout! I started off fresh and strong and stayed with Ronnie & friends through the first aid station at mile 6.7. I continued running with Ronnie for a while longer, but then I got caught up with a 'faster' group and took off around mile 10. This would be a mistake later in the day. Around mile 11 I suffered my one and only fall of the day gently sliding in the mud and jumping right back up. At this point I was running behind the "Hammer Nutrition" guy and the lady in the black shorts. I continued to run with this grouping till the aid station stop at mile 21 (I think). I never saw the "Hammer" or black shorts lady again after mile 21.  Around 2 miles into that run I was running approximately 20 yards behind a lady in a orange shirt. She fell hard into some rocks and as I would find out later would had broken her collarbone in the fall. After staying a few moments with her to make sure she was tracking properly I moved on. I remember looking at my watch going only 8 miles to go and my time is awesome! I will surely beat my goal time of 6:30 today! 
The toughest roughest parts of the were coming up! First a climb up some rocks and then an even tougher walk right after! I was not feeling awesome, but was still trudging onward! I spoke of Ronnie earlier and how I wished I would of stayed with him. Well, he passed me during the rock climbing section of the course. I would not see him again the rest of the event. From this point forward it was just survival not really worrying about time! 
The last 8 miles of the event tested me in ways I had not been tested before as a runner.  The thrill of thinking a goal would be reached, then realizing when I hit a monster hill from mile 28-30 that the 6:30 would fall out of my grasp. I barely hung on going up those hills from 28-30! I felt like I was about to die falling to my knees once just hoping I could get to the top! I finally made it to the rest area at the top of the hill and they quickly filled me with drink and food and another runner helped me to fight on his name was James. I do not know what I would of done without him getting me moving again! We walked away from the aid station with just a little bit more to go. Then we saw race director Dink Taylor who said: "It's all flat from here no need to walk!" (I'm paraphrasing his words because I hardly remember them). I do not know what happened next, but I had a burst of energy that lasted all the way to the finish and I crossed it at 6:38:10! I am looking forward to taking on the Mountain Mist Challenge again in 2014!The pictures below were taken about .50 from the finish line. I did not care to much to try and toe step on the rocks that were to the right of me in the picture so, I just splashed through the water. I knew Gregg Gelmis would get some great shots and I was correct! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What Am I thinking?

I signed up to do the Mountain Mist 50K (Huntsville, AL) in October. After signing up for the Mountain Mist I thought it would be a good idea to register for a "preparatory"50K on December 31st "The Recovery From The Holidays 50K". According to some of the masters of the 50K the RFH is a cakewalk compared to the the Mountain Mist. They said: "Add 1 hour to your RFH time and that's what you'll get at Mountain Mist." I had no reason to really doubt what they told me. 

Last Saturday I took my first trip up to the Mountain Mist course. The We Run Huntsville group set up a run on the back half of the course with 62 runners meeting on top of Monte Sano at 7 am ready to tackle the back half of the Mountain Mist course! 

I was pretty excited about this opportunity to get to know the course I will be running/walking/climbing on January 26th! We started off in good groups of people some would go 6 others 9 and some 15+.  

We took off and I was running quite well getting to the 2 1/2 mile mark with no problem. That is where I promptly ran the wrong way on the trail before getting called to get back to the right part of the course! Thanks to those runners who called me back! That is where I met my running buddy for the rest of the day Michael. Michael is gunning for his 10th Mountain Mist this year! He knew the course much better than I. We ran/walked/climbed on those first miles. He was sharing with me his tips for running the Mountain Mist including that you add an hour to your RFH finishing time and that is close to what you will get here.

We got to the 9 mile cut off with relatively no problems! We stopped for a break and then off we went! Little did I know I was about to take a wrong turn and almost lose my running partner for the day. Michael jumped out a bit ahead of me going through a technical part of the course and then all of a sudden he disappeared! I wondered: "Had he fallen"... after a few seconds I thought: "I need to go back to the rest area"... I yelled out and after about 30 seconds he reappeared (to my relief). From that point forward the run was just what you would expect for a very rocky, hilly, trail run. 

Michael asked me if I wanted to finish off the run by running up to the finish line. This would add a little bit to the run, but I wanted to see where the race would finish and get the feel for 'blazing' to the finish line. We were approaching the last downhill toward a small runners/walkers bridge! I was stoked to get to see the finish line! Then, all of a sudden I hit a root and slammed my side into the bridge and my hands and right knee on the wooden bridge. I sat on the bridge for a minute feeling really stupid for falling. Michael said: "You want to walk to the finish line?" I said: "No, I can run over to the line." I was sore then and still am now from my fall on Saturday, but I really cannot wait to do the Mountain Mist. I am hoping to get to do the front half of the course before January 26th. Until then I will just stick with my very non-technical roads around my house. So what Am I thinking? I am thinking about running the toughest trail run Alabama! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 The year ahead.....

Dec., 2009
Post 1st Marathon
When I began my current running journey in January of 2009 I had no clue that I would be deciding whether or not to run a marathon or 50 mile race or both. It is amazing that I started off simply wanting to do a local 5k. As the year 2009 moved forward I ended up doing more and more miles ending up running my first 5K, 8K, 10K, 15K, Half, and Marathon! It has progressed to the point where I am at today. I certainly am looking forward to putting more ultra's and marathon's under my belt in 2013, but I also want to run some shorter distance races to put my speed work to the test. I also want to help others achieve their goals as well.  So, I've been scouring the races for 2013 and have come to the conclusion to do most of the Huntsville Track Club races here in Huntsville, AL along with some other non-Huntsville races throughout the year.

My goals are going to be similar to 2012 with some additions that must happen for any of my goals to be reached.

1) PR in 5K, 4M, 8K, 10K, 15K, HM, M, Ultra & 12 Hour race
2) Run 2000 miles
3) Score more points in the HTC Grand Prix (info & link provided later)
4) Maintain a strong core! PR with a 10 minute forearm plank
5) Focus on Nutrition (Get to 165) 

My current PR's are as follows:
5K: 22:17 set May, 2010
4M: 29:43 set Feb, 2010
8K: 37:06 set April, 2010
10K: 47:12 set March, 2010
15K: 1:12:45 set Oct., 2011
HM: 1:39:12 set Nov., 2012
M: 3:56:21 set Feb., 2012
50K: 5:08:57 set Dec., 2012
12HR: No Record
HTC Grand Prix Record: 65 points set in 2012
PLANK: 5:00 set Nov., 2012
Weight: 185.4, Jan, 2, 2013

The most important of the above goals is my nutrition. I have no problem being disciplined in doing my runs, core work and other fitness goals I will pursue during the year. My main issue is my diet which can get in the way of good workout whether they are my core workouts or my running workouts. During 2012 more workouts seemed to be limited because of poor dietary choices. I MUST discipline myself the same way with my diet as I do with my workouts! If I can all goals are possible if I cannot I will have more runs like the one pictured on the right than the one pictured on the left. What I am not saying is all things are easy when you do it right, but it sure does help when you are doing things the right way! 

I am looking forward to the year ahead! So, here's my current schedule to get it done:

1/26: Mountain Mist 50K Trail Run*
2/10: Winter Winds 4M Road Race*
2/17: Locomotive Half Marathon (Going to help a friend finish his first competitive half in under 2:15)
2/23: Wounded Warrior 5K (A good race for a great cause!)
3/3: UAH Spring Road Race 10K*
3/9: Delano Park 12HR Run
3/17: Georgia Marathon
3/30: Scottsboro Half Marathon
4/6: Fund Run 8K*
4/20: Cookie Dash 5K*
5/27: Cotton Row Run 10K*
7/4: Firecracker 5K*
7/20 HTC Twilight Men's & Women's 5K Runs
10/5: Southern Tennessee Plunge Half Marathon
10/12: Fleet Feet Mano Sano 15K*
11/9: Huntsville 1/2 Marathon*
11/?: Some type of Turkey Trot Race
12/14: Rocket City Marathon*
12/31: Recover From The Holidays 50K 

*Are Huntsville Track Club Events

As I stated earlier improving my standing in the HTC, which has a group of outstanding runners, is definitely worth shooting for! You can find out more about the HTC and the Grand Prix at the link I have provided below.

Here is how I have faired in the HTC Grand Prix

2009 Ala A&M 10K (5): Year End 5 (56)
2010 Winter Winds 4M: (5), & Cookie Dash 5K: (5): Year End 10 (53)
2011 N/A
2012 Fund Run 8K (65): Year End 65 points (33)

Happy Running in 2013! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Running year end review

My last running picture of 2012! 
My running goals as I started out the year were as follows: PR in the 5K, 10K, 15K, Half & Full Marathon distances along with running 2000 miles

My 5K's for the year: 22:49 2/25 Grissom JR ROTC 5K (32 seconds off PR), 23:06  7/4 Firecracker 5K (49 seconds off PR). I would of loved to PR in a 5K this year, but it was not a real focus of my training during any part of the year and I just decided to be happy with the 2 events I ran. So, I did not run another 5K after July. My PR for the 5K was set in May of 2010 at the Gurley Library Challenge I ran it in 22:17. A distance I did not set out to do a PR in was the 8K. I'll be honest I forgot about this race the first time I published this blog! So, Here is my little bit about the 8K. I finished the race in 37:46 some 40 seconds off my PR set in April of 2010. I had no clue what my best was in this event when I ran it. Guess I will pay more attention next time!

Firecracker 5K
My 10K's for the year: 47:42 3/4 UAH Spring Road Race (30 seconds off PR), 49:56 5/31 Cotton Row Run (2:44 off PR) I would of really liked to have Pr'd at this distance. I guess that's really not the case since I ran my last 10K of the year in May. I feel my first 10K was alright just 30 seconds off my PR at the same course. I feel like the Cotton Row Run was kinda a blah run way off my PR and my PR for the race. My personal record for this distance is 47:12 set in March of 2010 at the UAH Road Race. 

My 15K's for the year: I ran zero 15K's in 2012 and do not really know when or if I plan on going after a PR for this distance. My PR is 1:12:45 set in October of 2011 at the Fleet Feet Monte Sano 15K.

Southern Tennessee Plunge Half
Huntsville Half
Virtual Half
My Half's for the year: 2 PR’s in consecutive events: 1:39:12 11/10 Huntsville Half Marathon (8 Seconds faster than previous best) 1:39:20 10/6 Southern Tennessee Plunge Half (4:21 seconds faster than previous best). What can I say about these 2 races? They were completely different in how I had to approach them! Why? My legs were very fresh for the Southern Tennessee Plunge Half and completely whipped out for the Huntsville Half (don't ever try running a 3fer 2 days out from an event). I was strong the whole way in Tennessee! I was able to rev up and tone down as I pleased! It was a great event! I knew the Huntsville Half would be tough because of my dumb decision to run three times in one day 2 days out from the race. I sat on a pace that would give me a chance to PR going into the final mile. That's exactly what I did running the final bit at right around 7:20 to grab my 8 second PR! I was extremely proud of my 2 Half PR's! Another half-marathon event I participated in was the #virtualhalfmarathon on Dec. 22! I ran the full length of our new and extended greenway (looped) which was fairly close to being 13.1 miles! I ran with my new running buddy Robert and had to twitter my running buddy Michelle the results! 

Rocket City
Marathon's for the year: 3:56:21 2/12 Mercedes Marathon (3:56 fasters than previous best), 4:03:25 12/8 Rocket City Marathon (7 minutes slower than PR). My 2 marathons for the year were a tale of 2 races one race I just wanted to get finished and one race I felt a monster PR was coming. Of course, that's not how it played out in either race. The race I 'wanted' to finish was the one I PR'd and the race I thought a monster was coming I burned out near the end. I was extremely pleased with my performance at the Mercedes in Birmingham, AL and completely deflated by my performance in Huntsville, AL. Why was I disgusted with Huntsville? I thought I had done everything right training for the event for 18 weeks! This is partly why I did not do 5K's or 10K's for the last half of the year! I was laser focused on a PR in the Rocket City! So that is why I was so disgusted with my performance in Huntsville I thought about quitting running and finding another fitness activity to be a part of! Special thanks to all my twitter pals who lifted me up when I was down after the Rocket! Y'all rock!

Santa Hat Run Dec. 24
My Ultra's for the year: 5:08:57 12/31 Recover From the Holidays 50K. I did not plan on doing a ultra as I headed into the year 2012 and was not especially excited about this race right after 12/8 at the Rocket City. I was dreading this event. It did not take me long, however, to get over the race on 12/8 and focus my attention on this event. This was my finest race of the year on the last day of the year. My goals were simple heading into the event: 1) Finish 2) Do not fall 3) Stick with the plan 4) PR! I did exactly what I wanted to do for the whole race and was strong the whole event! That does not mean I felt awesome the whole event, but I never doubted or deviated from my plan the whole 31 miles! It was also great that my former Dirty Dozen teammate Jeff came over and rocked the 31 miles with me!

Relay Race: Dixie 200! Champions forever! May 18-19

One of my favorite events of the year was running the Dixie 200 with 11 other crazy runners over 2 days from Atlanta to Birmingham! We cover 200 miles in heat that normal people would not run in! It was one great event! I hope to get to do another relay sometime in the years to come! No personal time records were set, but the memories made were immeasurable! Best of running to my fellow Dirty Dozen teammates in the year to come y'all rocked! Keep on running gals and guys of the Dirty Dozen! 

My mileage goal for the year looked like it would not happen after the let-down at the Rocket City Marathon. I did not run for 3 days and would have to really amp it up if I was going to even sniff the 2000 mark! Well, over the final 7 days of the year I logged 94 miles to hit 2000 miles right on the nose! 

Although, I would of loved to PR in the 5K & 10K distances I feel I accomplished my major running goals for 2012! I set PR's in the Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Ultra Marathon, and Mileage run. All-in-All it was a great running year I'm looking forward to more running adventures in 2012!

RFH 50K 'medal'